by admin | Aug 20, 2020 | Career · Family · Life
With Regenerations International trade financing partners your vendor is paid upon receipt of the Bill ofLading. By offering immediate payment, you will likely be able to negotiate better terms from your vendor. If you are an overseas purchaser of foreign...
by admin | Aug 20, 2020 | Career · Family · Life
Business Owners, Preparing for a Transaction One of the biggest mistakes CEOs make when selling their business is underestimating the value that a seasoned and qualified M&A advisor can bring to a transaction. All too often, business owners reduce the role of...
by admin | Jul 28, 2020 | Career · Family · Life
The answer is: Before the next recession! The recent stock market corrections should cause some worry for private business owners, especially those in the baby boomer generation. A recession is likely to come soon – perhaps very soon. Since 1960, based on NBER data,...